The transition from being a high school student to a college one often means you move into your place. Whether that be an apartment or a dorm room, the excitement of styling your home is undeniable. However, the reality of budget constraints quickly sets in, hindering your process and overwhelming you.

However, lacking funds does not mean your room needs to lack style! Through this guide, you will learn about various décor ideas for the modern student, allowing you to achieve style and comfort without breaking the bank. Hence, regardless of what style you aim to achieve, read on to explore how to decorate uni room.

Crafting the Perfect Study Space

While you might aim to have aesthetics that impress visitors, your student apartment should be the perfect place for studying. For instance, your table and chair should be at a height that allows your feet to rest flat on the ground while the computer screen remains at eye level. But sometimes, you will need writing services such as EduBirdie to help you with your essays. Hire a writer and access college papers for sale to unlock your full productivity and accomplish your goals. You can dedicate enough time to styling your place with a budget in mind through assistance.

DIY Décor and Crafts

Decorating student rooms can be an enjoyable and stylish process. However, you should not overlook the power of creating your pieces from scratch. Not only does this allow for customization, but it ensures that the décor is unique.

Wall art: personalized canvases and prints

Artwork is a fundamental part of every student’s room décor. It allows you to reflect your taste and personality. But instead of splurging on expensive pieces, here is what you can do:

  • Personalized canvases: Buy yourself some blank canvases and let your creativity flow with colors. If you want a more modern aesthetic, learn how to draw simple abstract designs or geometric patterns.
  • Photo prints: Have you seen the rooms with Polaroid photos stuck on the wall? You can do precisely that! Convert your personal pictures into monochrome or sepia tones, then frame them. This allows you to create a sophisticated gallery wall.

Upcycled treasures: transforming thrift shop finds

Thrift shops are a gold mine for DIY fanatics, as they provide you with items that seemingly don’t fit anywhere but at a cheap price. Hence, you can take those items and turn them into your own unique décor through:

  • Furniture facelift: If you find an old piece of furniture, you can easily breathe new life into it with a fresh coat of paint. Wooden chairs or shelves can be sanded and repainted in modern hues.
  • Decorative accents: Consider using old bottles and painting them, then wrapping them in flowers to turn them into vases. Even vintage suitcases can become quirky storage or side tables.
  • Fashioning fixtures: Lighting fixtures, such as pendant lights, can be crafted by hand. You can use old baskets, metal colanders, or even mason jars to rewire them and turn them into lights.

Storage Solutions for Small Apartments

Some of the best student room décor ideas are regarding storage solutions. Since you might be living on a student budget, your living space might be small. Maximizing whatever room you have becomes essential, so here is how you can utilize the space you have:

  • Under-the-bed organizers: One of the best decorating hacks is investing in vacuum-sealed bags. These allow you to store bulkier items, like winter jackets, by compressing them. Moreover, invest in rolling drawers that can easily slide in and out from under your bed.
  • Floating shelves: These shelves are pretty inexpensive and have a particular aesthetic appeal. You can use them to display books, plants, or spices in the kitchen.
  • Sofa beds: If you occasionally have a host come by, this piece of furniture will come in handy. You can transform them into beds at any time.


Your student house decor does not have to lack style simply because of a budget. Instead, you can utilize the tips in this article to tailor your room to your unique taste. We have also discussed things to decorate your room with.

Your transition into your own place does not have to be bland and tasteless. From DIY projects to scavaging through a thrift shop, there are various means of sprucing up your university room decor. Hence, let your creativity shine, and repurpose the pieces to create your unique and personal place!