Construction is an essential industry for the development of any building project, from commercial buildings to domestic projects. It’s an industry that requires skill and accuracy, along with the highest standards.

If you’re overseeing a construction job, you’ll want to ensure quality across every element of the project. To help you, here are some ideas to focus in on getting the most out of your team and the results for which you’re looking.

Create a plan

Begin the project with a quality assurance plan. This will help you to break down each area of the construction job and control how you’ll ensure that the highest standards are achieved.

Focus on who is on your team and the role that they play. What are their responsibilities? Are they answerable to anyone? This exercise will help you to then direct everyone on site.

As part of your plan, you’ll also need to factor in how you’ll monitor and report on each part of the construction process and establish how frequently you’ll carry out checks and updates. Additionally, plan out to whom you’ll be subcontracting work and who your suppliers are. This allows you to account for budgets.

Next, look at the paperwork. Is everything accounted for from a compliance perspective? As part of this, build risk assessments into your plan. Construction sites are hazardous, so you’ll need to weigh up where the areas of concern could be and consider getting appropriate cover for your project.

Train the team

Once you’ve factored risk assessments into your plan, you’ll need to make sure that your team is fully trained. Working at height and overseeing heavy loads makes construction work a potentially dangerous profession.

According to the Health and Safety Executive, 54% of construction workers reported musculoskeletal disorders between 2018/2019 and 2020/21, out of some 74,000 who were suffering work-related ill health in that period. Plus, more working days are lost each year due to illnesses and injuries in construction than in other industries.

While there will always be hazards in an environment like a construction site, it’s crucial that your workforce is fully trained up. Take the time to check what proficiency levels everyone has and address any gaps in their knowledge. As well as keeping staff safe, you’re maintaining the highest levels of quality, with work being done by a trained team.

Have the right tools

What tools do you have onsite? If you need to upgrade to power tools over handheld options or purchase machinery that’s likely to make the work more efficient and done to higher standards, take the time to do this well ahead of the project getting under way, if possible.

It’s worth checking in with the team throughout the construction job, too. They’ll be able to feed back about the tools that they need and make you aware of anything that’s missing.

Also, ensure that your workers have appropriate PPE. Protective equipment is essential on a construction job.

How will you ensure that standards are high on your construction job?