Discover the answer to how sustainable is aluminium and why manufacturers are utilising the metal more each year.
Aluminium and sustainability go hand in hand; the metal can be recycled infinitely without losing its strength and other amazing features. Manufacturers across a host of industries, from automotive, aerospace and architecture to electronics, renewable energy and consumer goods, utilise aluminium on a daily basis for all manner of applications.
In this blog, we will dive into how sustainable aluminium is and how its sustainable properties are the reasons why so many manufacturers make it their go-to material.
How Sustainable is Aluminium?
In short – very! Aluminium is one of the most sustainable materials in the world. The credit for discovering aluminium goes to German chemist Friedrich Wöhler in 1845, but the first successful attempt at producing the metal was done by Danish chemist Hans Christian Ørsted in 1824. Fast forward a couple hundred years and I doubt either man would ever imagine the scale and importance their discovery was.
That’s because of the seemingly perfect properties that promote aluminium’s sustainability, including it being extremely lightweight, contributing to energy efficiency during transportation, and the fact that it can be recycled again and again without becoming diminished. Unlike the two European mega-minds back in the 19th century, modern advancements in production also minimise emissions, further enhancing aluminium’s eco-friendly reputation.
Aluminium stockists and fabricators are manufacturers’ go-to source for aluminium parts, extrusions and components, using sustainable production methods to extend energy-efficiency and sustainability.
6 Reasons Why Aluminium Is a Sustainable Material
1. High Recyclability
Infinitely recyclable – a phrase the world would like to here for every product, element and product. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, but aluminium helps us get closer to that dream by being infinitely recyclable. The way aluminium is recycled is also better for the environment than other metals, as it uses 95% less energy to recycle than producing it from raw materials. This significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and produces minimal waste, making aluminium a sustainable, circular resource that supports a zero-waste approach.
2. Lightweight and Energy Efficient
The average weight of aluminium alloys is one-third the weight of steel, making it drastically lighter while still offering impressive strength and versatility. This weight advantage translates to energy savings for manufacturers in industries like automotive and aerospace, where reducing a vehicle’s weight directly improves fuel efficiency and lowers emissions. Also, transporting aluminium requires far less fuel due to the reduced weight, proving this aspect of the metal promotes sustainability like no other metal.
3. Durability and Longevity
While technically steel is stronger than aluminium, when factoring in the lighter weight of the latter, aluminium’s strength-to weight ratio out-does steel in strength and durability. Its durable nature extends to corrosion resistance as well, with this combined longevity meaning the need for frequent replacements, or high energy-consuming extraction of bauxite – a sedimentary rock high in aluminium, is reduced. The longevity of sustainable aluminium means it is ideal for applications in construction, where long-lasting materials contribute to sustainable building practices.
4. Low Carbon Footprint
For businesses and manufacturers looking to meet strict emission targets, recycled aluminium is the ideal solution as the energy required to reuse is significantly lower than initial aluminium production. Additionally, many manufacturers are switching to renewable energy sources to power smelters, making the recycling and fabrication process that much more sustainable.
5. Abundance in Nature
Aluminium is initially derived from bauxite ore, one of the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust, and aluminium actually makes up 8.23% of the Earth’s crust meaning manufacturers will always have a steady and reliable supply for generations. This reduces the environmental strain often associated with scarce resources and once produced, the strain is further dropped thanks to recycling and reusing.
6. Applications Within Green Technologies
Aluminium sustainability is promoted through it being utilised to develop renewable energy and green technologies. Solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles are all developed using aluminium, thanks to its light weight and conductive properties that enhance the efficiency and performance of the technologies.
How Sustainable is Aluminium? – A Round Up
Aluminium is a shining example of sustainability in manufacturing. Its recyclability, energy efficiency, longevity and role in producing green technologies make it ideal for eco-conscious businesses. As industries continue to prioritise sustainability, aluminium’s importance and demand will only grow.
Aluminium Sustainability FAQs
What is the most sustainable metal?
The most sustainable metal is aluminium thanks to its infinite recyclability, durability and low energy requirements for recycling. It is widely used in renewable energy technology, further cementing its reputation as the most sustainable and eco-friendly metal.
Is aluminium production environmentally friendly?
While the initial production of aluminium from the ore bauxite is demanding for the environment and is energy intensive, advancements in production, thanks to renewable energy and recycling, have reduced its environmental impact. Recycling is especially sustainable, energy efficient and eco-friendly, using up to 95% less energy than primary extraction and production.