Beauty brings good feelings to a weary soul. Creating something phenomenal, timeless, and iconic is a truly daunting task. Many designers spend their lifetime trying to make an art form that people will appreciate for as long as it lasts. Achieving such intensity of feelings is only through deep inspiration, and this is where they might spark.


Imitating Nature

The environment is the primary source of inspiration for many designers. Nature is a treasure trove of many excellent ideas that we still try to learn and uncover today. Some modern buildings mirror their designs from nature. It is one of the most proven and tested ways of extracting pure ideas. The term for this technique is biomimicry.

Take the Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, as an example. This building takes its designs from a termite mound. Termites need to regulate the temperature inside their homes, and they design their homes to have optimal cooling or heating. This idea inspired designers to imitate a design similar to how termites build their structures.

This nature-based construction is the manifestation of the dedication of many contractors and designers to build more mimicking the natural environment. One can see it through the efforts of many designers to increase their LEED ratings. One way of improving such a score is by installing ladder access for roof hatches, making it convenient and safe when personnel access the roof area for maintenance.


Purpose Driven

Sometimes, brainstorming can only get you so far. A reliable way for any designer to get inspiration is by thinking of fitting the designs and the project’s purpose. By contemplating the various forms of presenting the project’s aim and essence, its creation will shape. This method is one of the best and most common in terms of use.

The Japanese have a saying that the pen and the sword should always be in accord. This saying means that the way you approach things must coincide with why you need to do it. By applying this kind of thinking whenever you handle a project, one can quickly get some inspirational ideas that turn endeavors into phenomenal ones.



A narrative is also an excellent source of inspiration. A simple story can be a perfect foundation for an idea or a concept. Take the Burj Al Arab as an example. The inspiration comes from a rising sail because the people and the area’s culture revolve around fishing. The building tells people about the story of the people, the land, and the culture.


An Outlet for Emotions

Feelings can also motivate and inspire a designer to create something grand or bold. Indeed, most of the beautiful artwork we see today comes from what the artist feels at that particular time. Designers do the same when creating a concept for a project. Often, they dig deep in their guts to find that flicker of emotion that will eventually burn their passion.

The best example of this method is the Taj Mahal. It is a literal manifestation of love. The emperor of the Mughal empire at that time, Shah Jahan, built it as a mausoleum after his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died at childbirth. His emotions inspired him to create what is now a wonder.

One can also draw emotions from the various life experiences that they accumulated throughout their lifetime. These experiences can help in the formation of a new idea and in defining what that concept means. The designer can then apply that to the architectural design of the project, making it unique.


Shapes and Objects

Even using a simple shape can be a starting point for an architectural design. The Selfridges store in Birmingham’s Bullring shopping area is an excellent example. The curved method comprises aluminum disc cladding, creating a futuristic and recognizable structure that won multiple accolades the year after finishing it.

A designer can also use mundane objects like a rock or a lamp as a starting point to create a work that people could appreciate. Since most items or objects form a basic outline or shape, it is also an excellent way to get some inspiration, an idea, or a concept around it. This method is more common than most people think.


Imitation of Previous Works

People refer to it as the highest manifestation of flattery, but it is a proven method for getting a fantastic piece of inspiration for many designers. Many structures around the world are copies of iconic buildings. Some people may think that copying these buildings is a form of thievery, but others would argue that these structures result from a strong feeling towards the work.



From the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower in France, to Big Ben in London, every city has its history and accompanying monument that encapsulates it. Architecture is an essential element of many accounts, from the Angkor Wat, the Forbidden Palace, to the Taj Mahal. Many designers will employ historical structures as inspiration for current designs; gothic steeples and stained-glass windows are still in fashion as focal points in various residential and commercial structures to create something spectacular.



There are other means for designers to pull inspiration from sources that are not conventional. For now, these are the basics where one can commonly extract the essences of various concepts. Getting new ideas from these essences is not an easy feat. If you need one for your next project, consult a professional who can guide you into making an excellent one.