Investing in solar panels for your home can be an exciting time, but it can also be a daunting time, especially if this is one of the first eco-energy renewal projects that you have undertaken, however, fear not. Lots of happy customers have had solar panel systems successfully installed and have come out a lot better off financially for it, so what questions do you need to be asking. Knowledge is power and the more aware you are with regards to harnessing solar power the better position you will be in.


Your Questions Answered About Solar Panels

Maintenance And Installation Questions

Does your roof support solar panels. This is especially important if you are in a built-up area and floor space is at a premium. If you don’t have the right roof for the panels then would it be possible to create an area in your yard or garden that could house the equipment you need including the panels. Always do your own due diligence and check building controls and deeds as installing something that is not permitted could land you with a hefty fine.

Are there any installations that the company has done that you can see for your own eyes? Some consumers in certain parts of Australia can demand seeing these installations done in person. Seeing things might just prompt you to ask additional questions you might not have asked beforehand. For example, seeing solar panels in Brisbane installed and up and running should fill you with confidence that you have chosen the right supplier and installer. You need to know does the solar company handle the project from start to completion, if not what areas are they responsible for, and what should you be overseeing. Are any planning permissions required to install the panels, if so does the company handle this or is this something that you need to investigate off your own back?

How long will installation take and what effect will it have on your house. Can they fit the installation around you and your family to minimize disruption? Will you be left without power and if so for how long (roughly). If you know in advance what timescales you are looking at dealing with you will be in a better place to cope with it when it arrives. What maintenance is required both in the short term and long term, do the panels require regular cleaning, and is this something you could do yourself, or do you need a specialist maintenance engineer to attend to your property. If you require someone to come out when do they come, how often, and at what cost. Do you need to take out the company’s maintenance services to qualify for their guarantees and warranties?

Is it possible to connect to the grid and if so how does this work. Do you want to connect to the mains grid, is this something you are interested in? It could be beneficial to you if for example, you produce excess power that you don’t need. One of the benefits of solar power is that when the sun shines a lot you could save money, and possibly even make money by selling off your excess energy. Excess power that can be sold back to the grid will benefit your outgoings, and also bring down the cost of the initial installation.

How long is the warranty or guarantee that the solar company provides and what exactly does it cover? What is included and what is excluded in relation to the panels and the installation itself.

It is also wise to find out about longevity, for example, once solar panels are up and running how long do they last on average and how often do they need replacing. Knowing this information before installation will allow you to work out how long it will take to recoup your initial investment.


General Questions To Ask Prior To Installation

How long will it take until you generate your own power and you can run your home as you normally do. Do you need to build up a reserve? Is there somebody who can spend time with you getting to know your system so you can see firsthand how everything works, rather than just being left in the dark, and left on your own to figure it out for yourself? Will you still have electricity bills and if so for how long, If you are looking at going self-sufficient how long will it take to build up a good reserve of power, and can you build up a power reserve. How much power can you safely store at any given time?

What is required and necessary to put in place for when you have a few grey days. What do you need to have installed for when you are not harnessing enough energy from the sun. Is there a backup plan in place for example a generator, if so how does this work, does it need to be running for a minimum amount of time. Can you have the solar panels where you wish or do they have to be placed where the company says? Also, will planning permission be required for the installation, and if so do they handle this within their project management, or is it something you would have to do in your own time.

What payment options or finance options are there available for you to take advantage of. Installing a large system can initially be costly, so you have to ensure you have a good amount saved back to pay when you purchase the system and also when it is installed. Does the solar company offer any flexibility with regards to payment? For example, do they have any payment plans you can take advantage of, are you able to lease the panels and equipment or do they have to be purchased outright? Do they have a rent-to-buy scheme?

The more information you have to hand about solar panels, how they work, and how efficient they will be the more you can actually enjoy the whole process. Being well informed about what you are buying and having installed will ensure that you can get the best value out of your new solar panel system.