Construction and Engineering Awards 2020

41 Construction & Engineering Awards 2020 BUILD BUILD Construction & Engineering Awards 2020 40 ocated in Auburn, Tahoe City and San Jose, California, as well as Reno, Nevada, JKAE has established not only a presence in these cities, but also a reputation for delivering excellence. One of JKAE’s partners, Derek Labrecque, tells us a little bit more about the firm and what it can offer to clients. “Here at JKAE, we bring the experience and knowledge of over 35 years in the public and private sectors in a hands-on manner that is personal, energetic, passionate, and proven,” enthuses Derek. “We engage clients and projects where we know we can make a difference and deliver beyond expectations. We are a collaborative team of knowledge leaders who have passion and vision for imagining eloquent environments.” JKAE’s core values are People, Purpose, Design and Innovation, and Derek explains further how these principles relate to the firm’s approach when embarking on a new project. “Our deeply rooted process involves our personal and hands-on approach to architecture. Good design has always been, and remains, a human desire and endeavour. It begins with a flash of creativity and is refined through a disciplined, interactive process that provides a journey to innovation and progress. We seek to understand what good design can do and how it can enrich the human experience based upon our client’s unique vision and goals.” The region that JKAE works in has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with many of its clients now working remotely, and numerous educational clients have been impacted with school closures and remote/online learning. With the increase in opportunities to work from home, the firm is seeing a trend where more people are relocating to the Sierra and away from metropolitan areas. Through these times, JKAE is proud to maintain fully collaborative project environments that use cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art planning and communication practices, including BIM 3-D modeling technology and the LEAN process. Design/Build Architect of the Year - South West USA JK Architecture Engineering (JKAE), founded in 1984, is a leading-edge architectural design firm offering architectural, civil engineering and structural engineering services. Throughout the years, JKAE has been an unstoppable force, accumulating numerous projects, countless clients and truly deserving awards which reflect their remarkable success and outstanding work. We profiled the firm to discover more about their meteoric rise to success. L Sep20123 “We remain fully operational on a cloud-based platform that allows us to conduct virtual Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Microsoft Teams meetings using BIM 360, and Bluebeam Revu to engage stakeholders and garner feedback that is well documented and shared out for responses and approval.” The firm recognizes that the design and construction industry is an evolving practice and actively encourages staff members to find and support their passion within the design and construction industry and share that with the rest of the team. “We teach our emerging design professionals how to be architects and, no matter how big or how small a task, to own everything they do. We utilize design pin-ups with both the project team and interested staff members. These pin-ups occur during the initial phases of design to test concepts and strategies. We also have pin-ups during the construction document phases to provide opportunities for detail and constructability review sessions, as well as quality assurance. This collegiate culture supports a strong team collaboration of support, mentorship and growth.” “We focus our teaming strategies between staff of complimentary skill sets and those that have extensive technical experience with those that have highly adaptive design and technological skills. This collaborative approach provides a daily framework of mentorship and growth that goes in both directions, allowing the seasoned professionals to be energized by the skill sets of the emerging professionals. The result? Each individual finds fulfilment and enjoyment with everything they do.” Regarding the future, Derek excitedly explains that the firm is currently working on the Evergreen Valley College Language Arts Build with its design-build partner, Clark/Sullivan Construction. “As the EVC campus is culturally diverse and the Language Arts program caters to students of different backgrounds, it is conceived as a ‘cultural center’ and gathering place for both formal and informal uses. Collective group activity and achievement are the focus. With its central location and welcoming expressive forms and features, the center acts as a multi-cultural hub of social activity and celebration of linguistic skills acquisition. ” “The exterior finishes are based upon the District’s Design Standards. The primary finish is an integral color cement plaster that will allow for durability of finish with an accent of neutral colors. Unique to this design is the integration of a custom graphic integrated into a series of prefinished perforated metal panels. This screen provides an opportunity for a unique presence to the primary elevation of the Language Arts Building, while also addressing solar daylighting control to these classrooms.” “The project is tracking as a LEED Gold Certification that will be healthy & inspiring for the students and faculty of the building and a demonstration of sustainable stewardship for the campus and community.” Company: JK Architecture Engineering Contact: Derek Labrecque Web Address: Below: Evergreen Valley College | Language Arts Building Below: Casa Roble High School | Student Union & Admin Building Above: Yerba Buena High School | Student Union & Admin Building Butte College | Welding & Manufacturing Building Above: Butte College | Welding & Manufacturing Building