Whether you are erecting a new building or upgrading an existing one, you will likely know that aluminium is one of the top choices for everything from windows to doors, facades, and more. Making the decision to purchase can be simple for both commercial and home purposes, but knowing which manufacturer to choose can prove to be a little more difficult. Here is a breakdown of the criteria you should be looking out for when doing your research and some worthwhile advice, so you can make the best decision for your needs.

What criteria make an aluminium widow manufacturer a good choice?

The first things to consider when choosing an aluminium window manufacturer are their skills and standing in the niche. Whether you’re looking for a larger or more local company, they should be well-established and have the necessary certifications, alongside client testimonials speaking of their expertise. Alongside this, you’ll want to look at:

The manufacturing ethos

This is a key consideration in 2024, as sustainability is a growing concern in a host of manufacturing sectors. Aluminium can be resource-intensive (although it is still more eco-friendly than some alternatives), but there are many ways to offset this. The company you choose may prioritize using preused materials, as recycling is simple, efficient, and infinite, or optimize their energy usage to better meet goals. As long as they’re taking steps to keep their carbon footprint low, their manufacturing ethos will be more attractive.

The materials used

Of course, quality materials will be pivotal to aluminium widows that perform exactly as you’d expect. It will be worthwhile to look for high-quality aluminium alloy materials only in construction (which can still be found with recycled options if you make sure to ask the right questions). These will have the highest grades for durability, weather resistance, and longevity.

Product range

An aluminum widow manufacturer should have a wide range of products to choose from and be open to the potential of custom-fitting widows if you have more specific needs. The wider the itinerary, the more styles, designs, finishes, and even features you will have access to. It’s unlikely that a skilled manufacturer will have limited options and not provide flexibility to ensure requirements can be met.


This is often a deciding factor, no matter what you are looking to buy, but aluminum windows can be an investment that will last you for years to come. The cheapest provider is not likely to be the best, but you shouldn’t have to break the bank for quality either. Think about your budget and get a few different quotes to see who offers the best balance – and then compare this with the other aspects mentioned above to narrow down the best fit.

Get started with your research on aluminium windows today

Aluprof stands out from the competition with the latest in cutting-edge manufacturing technology, high-quality materials, superior design, and innovation you simply won’t find anywhere else.