Our roofs often go unnoticed and, consequently, unkempt. We tend to care about our indoor spaces and often neglect our home’s exterior. But with our roofs exposed to the harsh weather, especially the heat here in Australia, it can age quickly. When your home’s exterior is neglected, it can result in a shabby, run-down looking home. But a neglected roof can be more detrimental than a downgraded curb appeal.

A neglected roof can end up with leaks during rain, allow small animals to enter your home, increase your heating bill, and even become a health hazard. Maintaining a roof can seem complex and cumbersome, but it doesn’t have to be. With some routine maintenance details, you can keep your roof in tip-top shape and avoid costly renovations. Here are some details every homeowner needs to know to keep their roof pristine.

Roof inspection sounds simple enough; just look at it and look for holes, right? Unfortunately, there’s a little more to it than a simple visual inspection. Here are some of the best ways to inspect your roof:



While your roof doesn’t need to be spotless, it does need to be relatively clean. Clear out any accumulated dirt or debris which can clog drains or cause your roof’s surface to rot and decay. Keeping a clean roof helps prevent your roof from aging and can prolong the need for any major renovation. If you have tree branches that grow too close to your roof or break off onto your roof, schedule regular tree maintenance to keep your roof safe.



Check indoors for signs that your roof needs maintenance. If you find any mold, mildew, drips and leaks, water stains, or peeling paint, then the odds are you have issues with your roof. Cracks or openings in your roof can be caused by a variety of weather conditions, and older roofs are prone to them. These can cause the above-mentioned problems. If you do find them, the issue with the roof may not be directly above the affected areas as leaks can travel sideways. If you notice these issues, have a professional check your roof as the cracks may not be visible. When hiring a professional, be sure to ask for a roof repair quote to get an estimate on the total cost for repair. The cost will be dependent on if you are making a minor fix or if you are in need of a full renovation.



Your roof’s surface can be a great indicator if it needs maintenance. Checking for damage or weathering will depend on the type of roof you have. If it’s flat, low spots where water pools means your roof needs repair. Gravel roofs need to be checked for uniformity and be free of any bare spots. Tiled and shingled roofs will often have singular tiles that are cracked or broken and these need to be repaired as well.


Expansion Joints, Flashings, and Drains

Expansion joints and flashings need to be checked for cuts, gaps, or tears. Any of these signs can mean leaking or damaged membranes. If your drains aren’t working up to snuff, they can cause backed up water, moss, mold, or water stains. All of these issues need to be corrected professionally.


Structural Components and Equipment Supports

Chimneys, vents, pipes, skylights, and equipment like satellite dishes all use your roof as a home and can need maintenance of their own. Any issues with these components can not only cause issues for your roof, but they can also cause the problems an unmaintained roof will. Check them for signs of aging like peeling paint, rusting, rotting, or fungal growth. Anything that is bent, missing, or sagging but shouldn’t need to be fixed.


Old Repairs

If you fixed problems in your roof in the past, those areas are likely to have issues again. This could be because of a poor job with the original repair or because the area is prone to damage. Regardless of the cause, such areas need to be inspected regularly, preferably by a professional.


Roof maintenance can feel overwhelming, but with routine inspections and care, you can easily avoid major, costly renovations. Visually inspect your roof every three to four months to catch any potential issues in time. If you are ever wary of the state of your roof, most roofers will offer a free inspection that you can use to get a professional’s opinion. Use the above-mentioned tips to catch any problems early on and keep your roof in tip-top shape, all while maintaining your curb appeal.