As you’re gearing up to completely overhaul the roof and renovate it from scratch, you’ll either find your mind racing with different ideas or completely blank on what to do. This, of course, will be too overwhelming to execute properly. Taking on a roof renovation project is much more than picking a material or a color; a lot of planning is required to be able to come up with something functional while coming up with the result you had in mind.

Maybe renovating a roof isn’t as fun as a bathroom or a kitchen, but it’s very important and matters more than most people think. To help make this whole process easier, we’ll be providing you with handy ideas that will work pretty well with your renovation plans.


The Difference between Renovation and Repair

It’s important to understand that you don’t always have to renovate your roof once you spot a problem. There are a few telltale signs that you can use to determine that you need to renovate it for sure. The first sign is often the age; if it’s over 15 years old and suffering from constant problems, it’s up for a renovation. If aesthetic damage is the main problem, it’s possible to repair it without having to shell out a lot of money in the process. Make sure that your renovation is justified to avoid wasting money.


Choose the Right Materials

There is a variety of roofing materials to choose from. Before settling on a roofing material, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each material to choose the right roofing material for you. The one material that stood out since the dawn of time among other roofing materials is polycarbonate, for many different reasons. For starters, this material is extremely resilient and sturdy that can withstand weather harsh elements. Other than being basically unbreakable, UV resistant polycarbonate is used in roofs to protect what’s underneath the roof from harmful sun rays. Polycarbonate is even used in sunglasses to protect eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays. There are different options you can choose from to make sure they match everything you need in roofing materials and they are the right choice for your house.


Using Synthetic Underlay

Most people don’t really think about the materials that they’re going to place under their shingles, not to mention that some may not even know that they need to. Felt underlayment was the only material available for a long while, but as the market developed new and more effective materials, using felt material will cause you to miss better options. Polyurethane alternatives started becoming the best choice gradually as they became stronger, more durable, and resistant to moisture. This synthetic material is perfect for lengthening the lifespan of your roof by blocking moisture, especially if the shingles are removed due to external reasons like a storm. It’s worth mentioning that they look better than felt underlayment and thinner as well.


Heat-Deflecting Shingles

A type of paint called “cool roof” paint was developed a few years ago that can protect the shingles from the heat by reflecting sunlight. While it had its benefits, it had downsides as well, such as being expensive and hard to apply.

Fortunately, manufacturers started designing better-performing shingles that can have multiple colors in addition to deflecting heat. These shingles can protect your roof from the constant pressure applied on it by sunlight, giving you a cooler home and lowering your utility bills by isolating the outside environment better.


Gutter Upgrades

Gutter systems are often overlooked during roofing renovations because they aren’t as obvious as the shingles or isolation materials. Your roof’s gutters are necessary for protecting the infrastructure of your house from moisture and water. While gutters used to look quite ugly in the past, a lot of prettier and more functional gutter designs and materials are now in circulation. The aluminum designs present today make it much easier to prevent leaks while still looking aesthetically pleasing. Some homeowners are installing gutters that are designed for water collection systems, giving them more sustainable and eco-friendly options.


Renovating your house roof is an intricate process with different elements to consider, however, there are many ways to make the project easier and possibly more fun. This can be done by calculating all aspects of the renovating process to make sure that you have made a calculated decision when it comes to the material, budget, and your process of approaching the project. To make it more fun, you can engage the whole family in the project.