Hiring the right contractor is one of the most important things you can do when installing a new Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system (HVAC), mainly because the system is costly.

Moreover, because the installation affects energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and long-term performance, choosing a reputable and experienced contractor is the best way to ensure a successful installation.

Let’s explore five essential factors to consider or keep in mind when hiring a contractor to install a new HVAC system.

1. Licensing and Certification

A reputable contractor should be a holder of the licenses and certifications your state or local authorities require. These licenses demonstrate that the contractor has met the industry standards and possesses the knowledge and skills to handle HVAC installations.

Additionally, check if reputable organizations, such as North American Technician Excellence (NATE), have certified the contractor. NATE certification ensures that the contractor’s technicians are well-trained and competent.

Ask the contractor for proof of their licenses and certifications and verify their authenticity with the relevant licensing bodies. This step ensures you only consider a contractor qualified to work on HVAC systems. Also, knowing that your preferred contractor has the necessary expertise gives you peace of mind.

2. Experience and Track Record

Look for contractors who have been in the industry for several years and have a proven track record of successful HVAC installations. An experienced contractor is likely to have encountered many installation challenges and can handle them efficiently.

Ask the contractor about their experience installing similar HVAC systems, the number of installations they have completed, and the types of projects they have worked on.

Additionally, request references from past clients and contact them to inquire about their experience with the contractor. Through this, you can gain valuable insights into the contractor’s work ethic, professionalism, and ability to meet deadlines.

3. Check Out Their Online Reviews

Online reviews are an excellent way to gain valuable insights into previous customers’ experiences, shedding light on the contractor’s professionalism, work, and customer service.

Reputable HVAC contractors use home service review management platforms to manage and monitor online reviews. These platforms empower contractors to stay on top of their online reputation, promptly addressing customer reviews and concerns.

Using these review management tools allows contractors to showcase their commitment to customer satisfaction and responsiveness in resolving contractual issues.

Checking out online reviews, then using that and the other factors in this guide can allow you as a homeowner to make informed hiring decisions when selecting an HVAC contractor for your installation needs.

4. Insurance and Warranty

An HVAC system installation is a complex process. Because of this, accidents can happen, and damages may occur. Thus, you should protect yourself and your property by only hiring a contractor you know has reliable insurance coverage.

Confirm that the contractor has both liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. Liability insurance covers property damages, while workers’ compensation insurance protects you from liability should a worker suffer an injury during the installation.

Additionally, inquire about the warranty offered by the contractor. A reputable contractor should provide guarantees on the equipment and the installation.

The equipment warranty ensures you have ample coverage in case of manufacturing defects. In contrast, the installation warranty guarantees that the contractor will rectify any issues resulting from improper installation.

5. Expertise and Specialization

HVAC systems come in various types and configurations, each with unique installation requirements. When hiring a contractor, ensure they have experience and specialization in the HVAC system you want to install.

Inquire about the contractor’s expertise in working with your desired system. Ask about any specialized training they have received from manufacturers and their familiarity with the latest technological advancements in HVAC systems.

A knowledgeable contractor can account for factors such as size, energy efficiency, and climate and use that to recommend the most suitable system for your home.


Above all else, before settling on a specific HVAC installation contractor, take your time to research and gather information, read reviews, and ask for references.

After all, hiring a reputable and experienced HVAC contractor will ensure a smooth installation process and a well-functioning HVAC system that meets your needs for years.