Home repairs can be intimidating for many homeowners. They fear that their attempt at fixing a problem would lead to more damage—and this is usually what’s keeping them from doing repairs around the home. However, the ability to perform simple repairs and routine checks can save you time and money.

Here’s a list of some simple repairs you can do at home.

1. Leaky Faucet

A leaky faucet is usually due to worn-out washers. If this is the case, then you can replace the washer inside the faucet handles. Before doing this, turn off the switch on the water mains. Then, unscrew the leaky handle that leads the flowing water to the spout. You can then remove the worn-out washer and replace it with the new one.

2. Leaky Toilet Tank

Water that leaks from the toilet tank into your toilet bowl doesn’t only increase your water bill. It can also lead to water damage in your bathroom and premature damage to the toilet’s interior parts. While a leaky tank can be easily repaired, you’d have to call the best Indianapolis plumbers for more serious issues such as cracked drainage or bathroom pipes.

To check if your toilet is leaking, try adding food coloring to the water in the toilet tank. Check after an hour, and if you see colored water in the bowl, then the tank must be leaking. If this happens, you can try replacing the flapper.

3. Air Conditioning

Air conditioners are a commonly overlooked appliance at home, but they can be costly to repair when damaged. To lengthen its lifespan and prevent costly repairs, try the following easy maintenance tasks.

  • Check the condensation hose and ensure that water can flow through.
  • If you notice standing water in the condensation line drains, make a drainage path with a small garden trowel.
  • Line this path with gravel to prevent algae and mold from forming, which can lead to serious health issues if the spores are blown into your home.
  • Also, try to keep the air conditioner screen free from dirt and debris to encourage good airflow. This will help minimize the amount of energy needed for the air conditioner to maintain your home’s temperature.

4. Air Filters

It’s recommended to change your HVAC filters regularly. It’s crucial to change your air filters to prevent damage to your HVAC system. Dirty air filters are a common cause of HVAC inefficiency. You can change the filters once a month and once in two weeks for peak-usage months.

5. Loose Drawer Handles

As soon as the drawer handle feels loose and wobbles when you pull it, it’s best to screw it back in. But if it’s too late and you’ve already yanked off the handle, then the wood could be permanently stripped off. Try using toothpicks and wood glue to fill the hole, then snip off the protruding toothpicks before screwing the handle back in.

6. Holes On The Drywall

It’s easy for your drywall to have cracks or holes because it’s delicate. In closing these holes, you may use various techniques but the simplest one is to use a patch kit. You can try looking for online tutorials on how to use patch kits.

7. Damaged Caulking

Old and damaged caulking should never be ignored. Although caulking reapplication can be a DIY task, fixing water damage due to improper water sealing is a potentially expensive and complicated task. Thus, gather up your patience and attention in removing the old caulk, cleaning the surface, and applying the new caulk.

8. Drafty Room

This problem is common among old houses with poor insulation. It can become a real problem during winter as it can make your house feel uncomfortably cold. Not only this, leaks like these can also contribute to higher energy bills. Consider sealing around your windows or your doors.

9. Cracked Driveway

Cracks on your driveway not only destroy your home’s curb appeal, but can also result in structural problems when it worsens. Thus, it’s best to fix these cracks sooner. You can fix small cracks by filling them with liquid crack fillers. For small holes, you can use patching materials to fix them. However, don’t try patching large cracks in the driveway. Instead, hire professional services to ensure the integrity and safety of your driveway.

10. Gutters

Gutters shouldn’t be taken for granted because they serve as the first line of defense between your siding and foundation from the elements. Gutters are created to capture debris and water runoff from the roof and keep it away from your foundation. However, water accumulation in the basement is commonly caused by improper water diversion and lack of gutter repairs and cleanups.

To keep your gutters in excellent condition, clean them at least once annually. Do this by removing debris and hosing it down with water. It’s best to avoid using gutter guards as they don’t effectively prevent debris from getting into your gutters, and they can also make it impossible to clean your gutters.

11. Water Lines

Make it a part of your maintenance routine to check your washing machine water supply hoses for leaks. Among the common reasons for insurance claims is water damage due to faulty washing machine water lines. Check your washing machine supply lines yearly and change after every two years if these are made of plastic. However, if you see rust and discoloration on the metal end of the water supply line, it’s best to change them right away.

Make it a point to check the fitting of the drain lines with a pair of pliers. If these are properly fitted, you shouldn’t be able to tighten them any further. It’s also recommended to replace plastic lines every couple of years.

Final Thoughts

Home maintenance can sometimes feel so complicated. Depending on how old your house is, it’s normal to find some issues here and there. As long as you’re armed with basic knowledge and skills on easy fixes around the home, you can definitely do it on your own without problems. However, make sure to set aside extra money in case you need to hire professional services for major repairs.