BUILD Q2 2020

BUILD Q2 2020 40 Feb20378 uinox has been a mainstay of the outdoor fireplace and kitchen scene for a number of years, designing, manufacturing and selling its own products. Made from stainless steel, carefully crafted to last in the harshest conditions that Canada can throw, these products are a testament to the hard work and exceptional effort that goes into each item. Based in Victoriaville, the beating heart of Quebec, the ultimate goal of Cuinox is to offer outdoor products that will endure no matter what. To avoid excessive smoke, the fireplaces run on propane gas, with natural gas as an integrated option. The results of the team’s labors have proven incredibly popular with customers. This is due, in no small part, to the use of high quality materials through every part of the production process. To ensure good workmanship, all parts used are externally accredited. Ensuring that a business like Cuinox can thrive means always moving forward, and the team takes a special pride in its outdoor products being entirely customizable. Personalization in terms of service and end result is key. Many of the designs that have been made by the team have resulted in impressive results that meet the specific needs of their customers. For many people, the service offered is a local one that retains a friendly face, though the growing success of the business has seen it take up work in the USA. With a clear way forward planned, the use of only the best possible products, and a way of thinking that always puts the customers needs first, it’s not surprising that Cuinox has achieved incredible things. As the business continues to grow, both in terms of output, reputation and stature, it’s clear that the team are set to transform the outdoor kitchen market. Company: Cuinox Outdoor Kitchens and Fireplaces Contact: Dominique Gardner Email: When it comes to outdoor products, the demand for quality is high. Fireplaces in particular mustn’t rust or smoke, and must survive all weathers in every season. This has been the challenge put to Cuinox Outdoor Kitchens and Fireplaces, and it is a challenge that has been met with gusto. Worthy winners in BUILD’s Home and Garden Awards 2020 and named as Best Outdoor Fireplace & Kitchen Manufacturer – Quebec, we look more closely to find out more. C No Smoke, Just Fire