2019 Homebuilder Awards

Build 2019 Homebuilder Awards 12 Best New Construction Firm 2019 - Spain Obras Grupo Ingetura S.L. is an in international construction company dedicated to creating unique spaces that meet its clients’ specific needs. Having recognised the firm in this year’s Homebuilder Awards we profile it to find out more and explore how far it has come since inception. Among the firm’s focuses is the development of passive house solutions, and it aims to offer only the most innovative construction solutions to meet the needs of its valued clients. The team innovates constantly to ensure that it is ahead of emerging industry developments and able to offer clients truly cutting-edge solutions. Ultimately, Obras Grupo Ingetura is committed to being recognised for its ingenuity and excellence throughout Spain and beyond, and this will remain its ongoing focus over the years to come. Ongoing training and investment in new technology will pave the way for the firm’s continued success as it looks towards a bright and exciting future. bras Grupo Ingetura was born in 2002 from the needs of cus- tomers, and as such its ongoing focus is to ensure that it meets their ever-evolving requirements and creates stunning spaces that they can be proud of. The company’s clients range from the individuals, to the commercial, and include large clothing and catering companies. From its base in Malaga the firm serves clients across Spain and throughout Andalusia and beyond, working closely alongside them to ensure that they receive tailored support and an outcome they can be proud of. Clients know that when they work with Obras Grupo Ingetura they are buying more than just construction services: they are buying support, advice and, fundamentally, a better overall quality of life. O Jan19250 Company: Obras Grupo Ingetura S.L. Name: José Manuel González Marfil Address: Calle Higuera, 21, apartamento 4, CP:29190, Malaga Telephone Number: 631829956 Web Address: www.reformasgrupoingetura.es Obras Grupo Ingetura S.L. “Obras Grupo Ingertura, was established in 2002, with the firm’s key focus being the development and innovation of delivering it’s clients with passive housing solutions, Obras Grupo aims to offer clients only the most innovative construction solutions to meet the needs of its valued clients. Furthermore Obras Grupo’s ongoing training and investment in new technology will pave the way for the firm’s continued success.”

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