Facilities Management Awards 2023

Facilities Management Awards 2023 BUILD 19 May23373 aintenance and facilities services are the lifeblood of bricks and mortar businesses. On a normal day at the store or office, it’s likely we don’t even register the maintenance technician taking care of business. But when something goes wrong, they’re the first person we call. Providing turn-key solutions to multi-site clients, RKB serves industries including retail, restaurants, finance, healthcare, industrial, and logistics. Employing the best technicians in the business, RKB is adept at finding swift resolutions to building maintenance issues, electrical problems, plumbing and HVAC emergencies and fire and safety challenges. The company’s standardised approach is popular with clients who have come to expect best-in-class service. RKB uses each team member’s specialist knowledge to its full advantage. Anthony himself owned restaurants in the past and has a deep understanding of the maintenance required to keep a dynamic food service running. Another company director worked with HVAC unions for over 10 years, giving RKB invaluable insight into this complex area. A company spokesperson tells us, “As well as providing essential reactive services, we’re always looking for proactive ways to assist our clients. We review their portfolios to identify areas where we can provide cost savings and standardise processes. We also assist with the implementation of best practices, addressing the improvement of service, repair, and project management processes.” Having cultivated a community of dedicated members who share its core values, RKB is particularly proud of its team. The company ensures all contracts it undertakes align with its values – promoting honest, accountable interactions between the company and its clients. The spokesperson says, “Understanding our customers’ needs from a realistic perspective is what sets RKB apart from its competitors. We know that work-life balance is important to our partners. We also recognise that the nature of our industry is to provide a 24/7/365 service. We focus on providing service rather than competing against other companies. Competition isn’t necessary within such a flourishing industry. Maintaining our focus on what’s important ensures we provide the best service possible, in our own unique way.” RKB’s internal culture values progress, not perfection. Understanding that the industry has its roots in problem-solving, RKB is adept at working hand-in-hand with its partners to identify and provide the best solutions. Having developed its own innovative training programs, the company supports its team members by listening and identifying opportunities for learning and growth. The spokesperson explains, “Every single person here, especially in leadership, started in the industry in an entry-level position. Our employees know that we’ve all been in the same position as them. To this day, we’re ready to jump in and help with issues. We want to empower every single person that works at RKB.” Looking to the future, RKB is continuing to grow its service offerings and expand the company’s geographical reach, making for more happy customers everywhere. “Each day is a new opportunity for us to better ourselves. Continued growth with our partners is what we are driving towards. Our goal is to provide better service and give back to our communities.” Contact: Josephine & Anthony Franzese Company: RKB Facility Solutions Web Address: www.rkb247.com M With a solid plan to ‘pay it forward’, grassroots organisation, RKB Facility Solutions, provides facilities maintenance and construction management services across the USA and Canada. The company, founded in 2014 by Josephine and Anthony Franzese, champions integrity, reliability, and excellent human customer service. We take a look at the company and its services and values in more detail. Fastest-Growing Facility Management Firm 2023 - USA