Q4 2022

BUILD Q4 2022 12 Jun22614 he mission of Ohra Studio – to create stylish and comfortable interiors that mirror the client – is something that has been with the company since its founding. Nominally, its dedication to satisfaction, happiness, and helpfulness are all pillars upon which its current level of success has been developed, with its efforts creating spaces that are emotionally empowered and aesthetically impeccable from the tiniest detail to the most impressive signature feature. By keeping the client at the very heart of the build, it wants to see more beauty, visual comfort, and aesthetic prowess being made a priority in every build, as well as the increase of the sustainability of its industry in the macro scale. After all, as construction is one of the most pollutant heavy and ecologically fraught industries out there, it hopes to lead from the front in showing how having a cognisance of this will only help business. With the market segment itself becoming more ecologically diligent regarding where they put their money, Ohra Studio’s environmental policy has made it the design studio of choice for the discerning modern client, combining ecological respect with emotional minimalism in order to create something powerful that educates along the way. Critically, creating one’s dream home should be a process of discovery. Ohra Studio knows this and does everything within its power to help its clients achieve this effect, showing them where their ideas and personality fit in terms of building Most Innovative Luxury Interior Design Studio 2022 - UK As one of the UK’s foremost interior design studios, Ohra Studio has worked hard to ensure that its work is always stylish and comfortable. With both guiding principles being a deeply integral part of the business, the interiors it develops as a result promise always to impress, reflecting the client’s wants, wishes, and personality with a singular level of excellence. Moreover, its ecologically friendly approach is something it maintains with an upright zeal, and something it seeks to make more of a norm in its industry. T