Q2 2022

BUILD Q2 2022 4 News • 56% of UK adults have rooms in their homes that are unusable because of clutter. • The spare bedroom (30%) is the room in our homes with the most clutter, followed by the garage (22%) and loft (21%). • 42% of people say that clutter makes them feel uncomfortable. 54% of women say clutter makes them feel stressed versus 26% of men. Overall, most Brits (almost 80%) claim to feel negatively about it. • A quarter of UK adults say that they don’t declutter because they have no idea where to start; almost a third of us blame lack of time; and over a fifth of UK adults say not knowing how to get rid of everything prevents them from decluttering. • 39% of UK adults claim to declutter as part of a Spring Clean but 36% of us admit to waiting until we feel annoyed enough by clutter to start. • 66% of people wouldn’t look at a home on the market if it looked cluttered with 15% of UK adults admitting that they tend to declutter before putting their house on the market. According to a recent survey commissioned by waste removal experts HIPPO, over half of Brits have rooms in their homes that are unusable due to clutter, despite most of us feeling badly about it. ortunately, the statistics also point to spring as the most likely opportunity for decluttering to take place, with almost 40% of UK adults claiming they’d clear the clutter as part of a Spring Clean. With this in mind, HIPPO has teamed up with TV personality Dilly Carter in a bid to encourage more Brits to get decluttering this spring and to do so in a way that’s kind to our environment. Organisation expert, author of Create Space and TV presenter, Dilly is the ultimate “go to” expert for those looking to transform their clutter chaos into an organised oasis. And, as an ecofriendly, hassle-free alternative to the cumbersome metal skip, HIPPO’s HIPPOBAGs are just one of the resources that Dilly would recommend using. Dilly comments: “I firmly believe that if we all cut the clutter, live better with less and give ourselves more headspace, we will enjoy life more, which is why I’m delighted to collaborate with HIPPO and their genius HIPPOBAGs in encouraging more of us to get decluttering this spring! These are my Top Declutter Tips to help everyone along with the decluttering!: 1. We need to get those rooms aired and let our wardrobes and drawers breathe. Give them a good declutter and clearout. Moths love dark spots, so as much as you can, get those doors open and get the air circulating through every area. Clean the 56% OF BRITS ADMIT TO CLUTTER CHAOS F bottoms, clear out those wardrobes and give them a good declutter. Ask yourself this: • Do you love it? • Does it fit? • When did you last wear it? • Is it in season? • Can it be packed away to create space? 2. Clear those window sills. So many of us have too much on our window sills We want to let the light in, and see out of those windows. Not block the light. Clear those window sills completely, and see how much better it looks with less clutter on it. Now it’s empty and clean, what would you put back, what can be moved? 3. Declutter that worktop. Clear every appliance off the side and put it to the side and see how much space you have now it’s clear. • What do you really need to add back to that workspace? • Are there items that don’t earn a spot on that worktop? • Are there items you don’t use? • Are there items that don’t belong in a kitchen? We want clear workspaces with less clutter. So it’s easier to maintain and keep clean. Less stuff, less to clean! 4. Clean out your cupboards. One cupboard at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself. Just empty, clean, assess, declutter, donate, sell or put it back! Just cleaning out your cutlery drawer and putting everything through the dishwasher will make you feel better. Get rid of those tools, pens and keys. Keep it just cutlery, take out the random. Go through your spice drawer and check dates. Clean it out. Organise spices in alphabetical order so it’s easy to scan quickly what you need.