BUILD Q1 2020

53 Best of BUILD he way in which architecture is approached funda- mentally changes the criteria for success. While a uniform set of prefabricated tower blocks satisfy the need for housing that takes up less ground space, historically these properties are unpopular and used out of necessity than desire. For PPAA, this awkward result would be considered the result of an architecture of form over an archi- tecture of ideas, and the exact opposite of what they value most highly in design. When architecture is seen as an open message, one which is constantly tested by relationships with people and with its environment, it alters the understanding of how best to design a building. PPAA approach every aspect of design with this ethos, following an inclination for nature. This means considering the weather, soil, textures – as well as all the gradients within these factors – before creating a sensorial atmosphere. It means considering intentions both communal. The result, therefore, is an attitude towards architecture that is based on an understanding of the body and the relationship that everyone establishes with their surroundings. To this end, the projects that PPAA take on aim to be more than just a nicely designed building, instead trying to become an extension of the human experience on a personal and a spatial level. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the concept for the London 2012 Olympics’ information pavilion in Trafalgar Square. Though not used, it takes its inspiration from the moment of truth that athletes describe where there is no turning back. Every moment where the starter’s pistol shoots, or before a penalty kick or a whistle blow. To capture this moment, connecting a universal human experi- ence with the needs of a physical space, the team designed a space where people would walk through a curtain of water. Fall- ing from a series of five intertwined rings, this would represent entry into a totally different sensory experience. Like the athlete, it would present visitors with a moment of truth, taking a bold step into the unknown. Not only would this water sheet as the threshold, it would double as a screen for all the major sporting events and various highlights. Not just designing big concepts, PPAA also handle the con- struction of residential projects, such as Casa La Quinta in the The Architecture of Ideas Architecture can be limited by the practical needs and applications of a building. This creates staid and stymied concepts that don’t always embrace the wholeness of truly innovative design. Confidently taking a step into the personal, Perez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados excel in making their buildings an extension of experience. We decided to look a little more closely to find out just what made this company Best of BUILD. T Nov19041 city of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. This project was created around several challenges, such as the integration of the property into the surrounding walls. With no nearby views to the landscape, the team used three void shapes in the form of patios, each with a difference character, use and programme. The interior is finished with white-painted walls and exposed wooden beams in the ceiling to evoke the traditional building methods of the time. The approach championed by PPAA can most easily be summed up with the concept of the architectural rehearsal. As far as the team at PPAA are concerned, this is the way in which modern architecture should be understood. It’s simply a way of approach- ing someone on a deeper level, with the theory being that the more that the team rehearse, the more they understand them- selves, and people in general. This stems from the belief that for architecture to convey an idea, it has to share something about an individual, or many individuals as well as the way that they relate to their environment on a sensory and emotional level. To say that the approach of PPAA is innovative is an under- statement. Each of the designs that its team of architects champion is carefully considered to produce a fullness of reaction from those using the space. This championing of ideas over form is one which demonstrates the importance of these matters and how easy it can be to ignore them. Company: Perez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados Contact: Pablo Perez Palacios Website: -landing