Construction and Engineering Awards 2021

Construction and Engineering Awards 2021 BUILD 47 Jul21841 icato designs and engineers high quality spot and linear light sources and electronics that enable architects, designers, facilities managers, and building owners to create beautiful, connected, smart spaces. The company’s light sources have set the standard for quality of light and can be found in thousands of locations around the world – they are the go-to option when people care about the quality of light. Xicato’s innovative Bluetooth lighting controls are installed in a wide range of building types and are integrated with popular luminaires and building management systems. Xicato Smart Controls achieve cost savings from day one of installation through years of continuous operation, while providing scene- setting capabilities that are second to none. “Our product development focus has evolved over the last few years to expanding our product lines to deliver only end-to-end solutions,” explains Vice President April Mitchell, speaking on what differentiates the firm from its competitors. “We listened to our customers tell us they want choices. So, unlike others in our space, we have built an open architecture.” Essentially, what this means is that Xicato offers an open API to connect with third party systems and can easily integrate with these. BLE wireless enables other products to become part of Xicato’s control system, and of course, standard BLE mesh, so customers have a choice. Customers are not locked down by Xicato as with many other controls solutions. “We engineered our technology to provide flexibility, yet still offer reliability and quality. We deliver smarter and connected experiences with our lighting and control solutions.” Xicato is one of only a very few companies that offer one complete solution - spot and light sources, linear lighting and Bluetooth mesh controls that tie the hardware and software all together in one complete package. This makes Xicato the perfect choice for ease of integration, performance and reliability. Xicato, like other brands, had to adapt during the Covid-19 pandemic. Xicato has seen the most traction recently in grocery, healthcare, commercial, retail, and hospitality. Additionally, the trends of intelligent buildings are becoming more popular in these market segments as the needs of building owners, consumers, employers and employees change. “We want, and demand, healthier environments to live, work and play. Additionally, the new Biden Administration has a new focus in terms of the environment and climate change. This has an immediate impact on the current construction and building landscape in the US and goes hand in hand with the circular economy spotlight in Europe.” With a broad presence in the most tech savvy areas of the world, such as North America and Europe, Australia and Asia, Xicato has plans to continue to grow in these regions in order to maintain its position, and further expand, as the dominant player. But there are other areas of interest which it is exploring too, such as driver technology and the firm is currently in the development stage of a new suite of network-ready AC and DC drivers that will offer the longest warranty at 10-years, with far superior specifications than what’s in the market today. It has also recently expanded from what it is traditionally known for and entered the growing flexible linear lighting market. They plan to enhance their linear lighting offerings and continue to deliver the latest controls technology to meet the needs of the market today and into the future. “Everyone now wants a connected and smart environment,” April states. “Fortunately, Xicato has these solutions at the ready through varied product lines. The future intelligent building will offer personalisation without the user thinking about the space around them – it’s all set for them – personalisation and energy efficiencies go hand in hand. Xicato intends to be a leader of this next-generation technology.” The company’s brand reputation is at the forefront of the management’s minds when new products are launched and to this end everything Xicato designs and engineers will be of the highest quality. In support of this premium rank position, the company was recently bestowed with the prestigious title of Smart Building Innovators of the Year 2021 at the BUILD Construction and Engineering Awards. With its clear mission to define the future of smart buildings, delivering the absolute best quality, highest performing, and most reliable portfolio of spot and linear lighting with Bluetooth controls, it seems that the future is bright for Xicato! Contact: April Mitchell Company: Xicato Web Address: X Smart Building Innovators of the Year 2021 Offering a truly end-to-end complete lighting solution, Xicato stands out from the crowd with its unique and innovative offering. We find out more from the company’s Vice President in the wake of its success at the BUILD Construction and Engineering Awards 2021.