Architecture Awards 2020

93 2020 Architecture Awards BUILD Jun20296 Most Creative Boutique Architecture Design Firm - NYC Metro Architecture is something to be experienced in all three dimensions. Many designers can create a space that looks splendid in photographs, but fail to capture the imagination when seen in person. The team at J_spy specialize in creative, highly detailed, modern designs that astound even the toughest critic. We look more closely at their work to see what they bring to every project they undertake. hen Jason Shannon and Paola Yañez met, they were both studying at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following their graduation, both moved to NYC where they worked for many prestigious architecture firms. Having learnt their trade and built up a wealth of experience in the industry, they started J_spy in 2012, and haven’t looked back since. The work that J_spy undertakes aspires to take advantage of the role that light, materiality, volume, and how people move through spaces play in how people see architecture. While many look back to the stability of what has gone before, the J_spy team look forward with a modern approach that embraces clean and simple lines. This combination of factors is what makes a J_spy design worth experiencing, being effortlessly timeless, suitable for yesterday, today and tomorrow. The beginning of any project is an opportunity to create something that is truly unique, and no one understands this potential better than the team behind J_spy. This boutique firm has risen through the ranks of the NYC Metro’s finest, creating some stunning designs that have inspired many to reconsider how they look at architecture. Each project starts in the same way – with the client. The team consider what they want to achieve and how the project fits in more broadly with someone’s life or business goals. The team’s continued success with clients comes from focusing on what they can add to a project as opposed to a client giving them carte blanche to do as they wish. These initial discussions play a vital role moving forward, acting as the inspiration for project trajectory. Many clients who come to J_spy will have never worked with an architect before, and the challenge for the team has been to explain in broad terms how each individual part of the design and build process interacts with the others. Because the design process that J_spy uses is based so heavily on the needs and wants of the client, they are always highly responsive with their questions and comments. It’s not a dictatorship for either side, but a partnership that only flourishes with trust and respect. Some of the clients that J_spy have worked with have gone on to become close friends of the design team! No firmwould be able to survive without achieving positive results, and the team have been involved in some incredible design W work. One of the firm’s latest projects has been Catskills House in White Lake, New York. This escape from city life embodies the clean lines and tidy arrangement that is key to any J_spy project. Few could disagree with the way in which it stands apart from the landscape as a stunning example of modern design, but every aspect is intended to ensure minimal environmental impact. The use of an efficient geothermal heat pump connected to a concrete radiant floor allows for both heating and cooling while ensuring that the property is environmentally sensitive. It’s a testament to the J_spy team that all of their work is of such an exceptionally high standard, adapting effortlessly to what their clients need. More than anything, this demonstrates how creative the team are as they find new ways to showcase people’s dream designs. Company: J_spy Architecture Design Web Address: