2018 Architecture Awards

17 2018 Architecture Awards Build that he has currently undertaken, this can include using sustainable materials and renewable energy sources which help him to reduce the environmental footprint of the building. Ultimately, the architecture industry has seen some fascinating developments arise in recent years, and Tim is hopeful that these advances will continue throughout the sector in the near future. He is keen to emphasise that CAD adopts an environmentally friendly approach to all its work, and this is evident in the projects that he has completed. “As people are becoming more aware of the impact of their actions on the environment, this is becoming an increasingly important part of the projects. However, this does not mean that the architectural design needs to be restricted. Good architecture should lift the spirit, as well as meet the requirements of the brief and regulations. This is the philosophy of Chetham Architecture Design and is hopefully going to stand the practice in good stead for the future.”

http://blichfeldt-arkitekter.dk/ http://www.friede.com/ http://www.chethamarchitecturedesign.co.uk/ http://www.christophhesse.eu/