Build Architecture Awards

Founder Axel Nieberg explains the firm’s secret to success. Nieberg Architect offers the entire scope of architectural work stages continuing in inte- rior and lightning design. While high-quality residential buildings are our main line of action we also participate in competitions and realize refurbishments, public and commer- cial objects. Our architecture distinguishes itself by a traditional simplicity. We create architecture with a sublime, natural strength which doesn’t require lavish actions to radiate quality. The selection of materials is therefore always a crucial step in the early design stage. We use solid and simple materials with a tactile quality and a highly expressive radiance. This particular choice of materials combined with artisanal handling bestows our buildings with a timeless, strong appearance. Time and permanence is also a facet of this choice: the process of ageing and accumulation of patina is for us, in the sense of the Japanese Wabi-teaching, an increase of quality. The patina of the materials intensifies their natural aura and gives us the expression to the power of resistance to the ordinariness. In spite of their abstract and minimalist aes- thetics, the rooms convey in their traditional simplicity a warm atmosphere. The visual effect and the experience of our rooms are defined by the light, proportions and materials. To experience the development and appearance during intraday and seasonal influence, it is necessary to take some time and let the atmosphere seep in. The industry we work in fast paced, but in ar- chitecture you have to distinguish technologi- cal and legal innovations from popular stylistic trends. While we always work according to the current state of the art to provide our clients with the topmost technical quality, Nieberg Architect has developed its own unique style, which makes us so successful. We see architecture as a very traditional line of work. Unlike other industries it does take a certain amount of time to construct a building; the process cannot be sped up beyond a critical level which may result in minor quality. Deceleration and tranquillity are a main quality in our architecture and therefore the drafting and construction process should not be hasted in favour of transient fashion. Architects have a high responsibility for a sustainable design - in a technological as well as perceptual manner. Especially in residential architecture, when creating a future home for clients and their fam- ilies it is important to incorporate a long-lasting sensuous quality rather than elusive trends. Ageless design, sublime aesthetics and tailor-made solutions for every new project are what makes our firm stand out in the market. Clients know and appreciate Nieberg Architect for the consistently high quality of both the drafts and subsequent realization. We perceive architecture as more than just the construction; since our office does also of- fer interior, product and lightning design, our buildings are total works of art. We are very aware of the responsibility towards out clients and their confidence in our work. Interior Architect of the year – Germany: Nieberg Architect, atelieraxelnieberg Company: Nieberg Architect - atelieraxelnieberg Name: Axel Nieberg Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Waterloo 1, 30169 Hannover Telephone: 0511 1696601 82 Northern Germany has a very distinctive kind of traditional architecture, which makes it the ideal location for a design firm such as ours. The traditional materials and solid building constructions convey an aura of strength and durability, which gives our projects a recognizable quality. Axel Nieberg was born in Hildesheim, a traditional Ro- manesque town and therefore has a strong connection this kind of architectural appear- ance. His style developed from the research and exploration of traditional materials and constructions, their unique qualities and mutual enhancement. As a firm we approach every new project with great enthusiasm, no matter which scale, complexity or repute it may have. Since the philosophy of our office and work ethic is based on quality and craftsmanship, we put great effort and care in the design and real- ization of small-scale projects like furniture design to large-scale civil-works. We always strive for premium results for each and every one of our clients. Looking ahead to the future, we are keen to strive to continue our work in the tradition of architectural craftsmanship. Comparable to the procedure of a manufactory we prefer to further enhance the quality rather than the quantity of our projects. Nieberg Architect is a design studio, and even though we are excited about new fields of work, our main range of activity will remain small one-of-a- kind projects.