Build Architecture Awards

Build Architecture Awards 2015 13 One of the firm’s signature products is modular units which have a variety of uses for display and to produce ‘moving incre- mental walls’. Stainless steel versions were developed for removable swimming pool infills and outside use, as well as a unique modular floating stage. Dance floors and special floor modules were designed to serve large hotels and retail layouts. The Portable Stage has been developed into a unique product with the flexibility to be used for many different applications, from drama teaching and performances, to exhibitions and musical events. Flat stage blocks, split level stages and stage kits are simply specified, versatile and easy to build. The firm’s temporary stage can also create tiered layouts for audience or choral use in a range of heights, with the company providing legal step dimensions and interlocking handrails to ensure that every eventuality is catered for. The unique beauty of the Stages revolve around their simple construction and mobile storage, which means customers can make the most of space and time as temporary staging then re-use the product, making the stages not only safe and easy to use but also a sounds investment. In addition to the range of versatile staging facilities, Aalborg later expanded on the ‘moving walls’ innovation and now supply them as a separate product, comprising of stage units which are modular and extremely versatile. They are commonly used for making drama or display sets in schools, as well as being repurposed com- mercially for use as ‘shop in shop’ displays which can be re-configured for evening sales activities. This product is as versatile as the firm’s staging products, with another common use being for diving large rooms, which is particularly useful in the education sector. By incorporating additional aspects, con- structing structures on standard storage ‘dollies’ and developing simple mouldings and related panels whole walls can be assembled swiftly as school room dividers, allowing classrooms to be divided to suit use or size, exposing panels for display, or spaces for storage to suit both sides. Aalborg later expanded into a new market by creating a range of adjustable class- room furniture, transferring the knowledge gathered from creating easy to handle fold- ing staging equipment to develop a range of ergonomic education furniture designed to ensure both comfort and longevity. The firm’s educational furniture products are proven to have a positive effect on children’s mental and physical wellbeing, as an increasing number of long term trials have shown that students sitting correctly balanced at suitably adjusted work stations not only suffer less discomfort, helping concentration, but that a ‘horse riding’ pos- ture with related height desks, preferably tilted, improves digestion as well as breath- ing and oxygen intake. In addition to this the seat has a ‘waterfall’ front which assists venous blood flow which encourages oxygen to the brain. The overall results have been better academic grades for students, and saddles such as those used in many of Aalborg’s products, whether on stools or seats, have a similar effect on student performance. They also do not require backrests since they encourage lordosis the correct and balanced upright posture, as opposed to kyphosis or rounded back syndrome which can cause serious problems in later life. It is these proven benefits which define the Aalborg brand- providing this generation and the next with quality, functional and stylish furniture which supports both their posture and their work.