Build Infrastructure Awards 2017

Build 2017 Infrastructure Awards technology hubs the sector has to offer, as Andy proudly explains. “Our main headquarters are in Los Angeles, California and London. The regions are inspiring. There is always business going on and things are always moving. Besides the limitations of time zones, I’d say there isn’t anywhere better for us to be running our main headquarters. To mediate time zones, we do have representatives all over the world. We have so much opportunity being in LA and London though. We are in two of the densest areas for business and this enables to schedule meetings with ease and speeds up our processes. Not to mention the talent available to us, we have a great team.” Within the wider ecommerce space, regardless of the social and political issues that are obviously affecting the region, e-commerce is becoming more widely accepted all over the world, and Andy and his team are keen to support clients through this new digital revolution. “More people are becoming businesses owners in the UK and we are happy to help them succeed with their ideas, products, and services. We welcome them and their ideas. While banks and other establishments may shy away from new ideas and online businesses, we welcome them and we are here to help them.” Looking ahead, Andy is excited for the future as he outlines the firm’s ongoing focus on growth and success. “In five years, Allied Wallet will have at least doubled its current size. Our growth rate is amazing and we will continue to grow. I see Allied Wallet continuing its path to global leadership in payments and industry innovation. I also see Allied Wallet and myself pursuing more charitable, philanthropic efforts to make the world a better place.”