2017 Women in BUILD Awards
Build 2017 Women in BUILD Awards 12 ounded in 1988, Grotec offers its customers a one-stop landscaping experience. The creative and skilled team of designers, horticulturists and landscaping specialists can design and construct landscapes of any size. Everything beyond the building walls is in the company’s domain. “Here at Grotec, the Design team works with residential home owners as well as developers, builders, architects, town planners and councils on small to large scale commercial projects. “Additionally, our construction teams are independent subcontractors, whom we have partnered up with over the years and who (depending on the project size and scope) we invite to assist us on landscaping projects, they quote from our plans to construct the works involved. These subcontractors include landscapers, builders, carpenters, pavers, concreters, lighting specialists, pool builders. Each project might include one to five of these skilled specialists assisting us on a project and is very much a team effort. Our Design team oversees the construction of all projects and ensures everything is built according to design plan.” Passion is a key aspect of the company’s success, as Sue alludes to, and there are many projects which the firm is constantly involved in. “Crucial to the firm’s success, the Design team is very passionate about plants and sustainable horticulture and are involved in the soil improve- ment process and supply and placement of plants for every project. “When the landscape project is completed, our horticulture teams, who are also subcontractors that we have trained up to take care of our gar- dens, can assist clients by carrying out any the necessary tasks required in the garden at the turn of each season.” Describing the client base, Sue points out that as the team expands and is able to offer more services, the client base will expand. She talks about the primary focus of the firm, which falls in line with the mission of Grotec, as she goes on to explain. “Basically, our client base is very broad and continues to grow as our team expands. Our primary focus is upmarket residential landscaping and we assist our clients with new and renovation projects. “Furthermore, our mission is to inspire, educate and connect people with their gardens. In Australia, very few people learn or know how to garden BUT most people want one. We find that when someone learns how to manage and take care of their garden they begin to understand and love their garden.” As part of its plan to assist clients, the team give the person they are working for a plan that outlines the end goal of the project, and detailed advice on how different landscapes must be looked after throughout different seasons. “When we build a garden for someone, we give them a customized seasonal maintenance plan that guides them on the tasks and products required through the seasons to manage their garden. The team work closely by visiting them each season to make sure they understand what to do. We get so much satisfaction out of watching our brown thumbed clients become passionate green thumbs who grow in confidence as time goes by.” Referring to what attributes she believes are vital to reaching the top of a firm within the sector, Sue believes that women and men must have a clear vision, not give up and possess an ability to remain centred, calm and self-aware. “People must have a clear vision and strong desire for what you want to achieve. Do not give up and do not listen to criticism unless you know in your heart its true. To reach the top in any business sector requires an ability to remain centred, calm and self-aware. You cannot do it alone and so the ability to communicate and help others along the way is a must.” In her concluding comments, Sue signs off by stating what she would like to see within the construction industry, which enables women to succeed. Sue believes that there already a variety of opportunities for women. “Essentially, there is immense opportunity for females to succeed in this industry. Desire, Vision, and an ability to lead and communicate with your team, sound knowledge and experience are all key.” Grotec Landscape Solutions Female Landscape Designer of the Year - Gold Coast Grotec Landscape Solutions was launched by Sue Bampton on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. The focus and business model have changed over time but Sue’s passion for horticulture and love of plants and design has not. F
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