Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 2 Editor’s Letter Welcome to the October 2016 issue of BUILD Magazine. Over the last month, the team here at BUILD have been working to bring you a representation of the foremost representatives of the construction industry today. On an international level, construction markets are on the up and up. As the technology curve continues to steepen, the construction industry has undergone a critical re- evaluation of how it operates; innovation is a more important function of construction than ever before. The technological curve is something that firms can ill afford to fall behind on, and the enhanced ability to collude with clients through digital means has, among other things, encouraged closer collaboration between companies on particular projects, which is exemplified through the continued proliferation of the methodology known as BIM. Financial technology, or FinTech, is one particular area in which the construction industry must look to participate. The charismatic CEO of Allied Wallet, Dr. Andy Khawaja, takes time to explore the impact that his company has had over the last decade, as fintech terms continue to search for ways to benefit the construction industry. Looking to the future of the construction industry, there are a number of essential tasks that face firms, and which require innovative individuals and teams to make a meaningful difference. One particular issue for the UK, being an island nation in the somewhat tempestuous North Atlantic, concerns the need to develop a flood defence market based around proactive solutions. Two such firms, UK Flood Barriers and Peter Brett Associates, lend their voices to this discussion; this key industry has made substantial advances over the last few years, but more work remains to be done. Alongside that, more nuanced industries provide a glimpse into the increasing need for specialised markets in the construction industry, each with its own unique set of challenges and means by which to overcome them. From helicopter landing pads to solar panels, and to doors and doorframes, no one market in this myriad assortment ought to be overlooked as construction professionals around the world continue to innovate and determine a clear direction for our future. We hope that you enjoy this latest issue of BUILD Magazine. Contact the Editor: George Millar [email protected] +44 (0) 203 725 6842