Build Magazine May 2016

Build Magazine 2 Editor’s Letter Welcome to this month’s edition of Build Magazine. As part of our Special Features, this month we spoke to Steve Williams, the Managing Director of Road Rail Cranes Ltd about their innovative ideas and how they are changing infrastructure within the industry. We also spoke to Olivia Terziovski, Boutique Lawyers principle about the company’s aims and its strategy to success. Concept Laser GmbH give us an insight into what makes them the award winners for the 2016 3D Printing- Hardware category. In other features we look at the implications for BIM in China and how the UK Government is set to build 14,228 new homes in the near future. We also take a look into the Real Estate and Construction industry and offer you insight into Eco Building and Architecture. Also providing you an inside look at the industry through conversation with experts. I hope that you enjoy reading through this issue.