Build June (2016)

Build Magazine 14 Born out of our client’s needs, BIM- DM was established to provide 21st century tools for 21st century construction. BIM-DM offers expertise and assistance in critical fields of BIM, construction forensics, construction simulation and analysis. In an ever- changing landscape of innovation driven by passion BIM-DM brings hi-tech construction to their clients. We invited Aleksandar Stavrevski to talk us through BIM-DM’s path so far. Construction today is driven by technology and innovation. The battle for productivity requires a relevant and competent basis for making right decisions at the right time. Technology underpins both productivity and decision making process making it more predictable and controllable. Through BIM’s whole new set of tools, controls and analysis becomes available and this is where BIM-DM finds its place, making technology accessible throughout construction process. We produce powerful 3D Visualisations to clearly communicate our client’s strategy, philosophy and objectives. Our technologies enable quicker and more accurate decision making, based on simulations of construction works programmes, construction methods and proposed technologies. Our team of professionals, all of them with strong construction credentials, are specialists in the areas of BIM, 3D Modelling and construction sequencing. This makes us the ideal partner for anyone preparing phasing or sequencing information for tendering, construction, post construction reviews and forensic investigations. BIM-DM is proud to have a diverse portfolio encompassing all sectors of construction, civil engineering, fit-out and design. We like challenges, and we strive to overcome them, to win and deliver. At BIM Design & Modelling Ltd, we are able to provide a complete BIM management service for your company. We will provide a 3D model tailored to your requirements, provide cost management, programming and administrative resources in order to create, manage and implement BIM with related protocols specific to your companies’ requirements. We can provide various visualisations, simulations and animations for full client presentations enabling analysis and methodology testing. We will provide interior and exterior photo renderings, we will apply and test a selection of finishes of our clients’ choice. We will also be happy to undertake their Point Cloud surveys and incorporate them into our 3D models. We are happy to create 3D models based on 2D Drawings, sketches, pdfs and so on. In other words, we have the ability to create 3D content from practically anything. This flexibility in return allows us to work with companies of any size. Another key area of our business is the rapid development and delivery of 3D Models for BIM, construction simulation, construction sequencing and visualisation, animation, method statement works simulations and related content. BIM-DM will create the reality our client’s desire. We provide the pure power of visual expression at your fingertips. There are virtually no limits. If a client can conceive it, we will be happy to 3D model it. Clients can test their design concepts or simulate their project in 3D. Benefit from competitive advantage in knowing your project inside out. Possibilities are endless. Modelled to required or client specified LOD (Level of Detail), we will be happy to create 3D content for a variety of projects including: visualisation and project presentation; Construction project phasing and sequencing; interior design and visualisation; exteriors and architectural finishes; complex cut and fill analysis; complex cut and fill analysis; 3d laser scanning and point cloud surveys; and logistics projects. BIM-DM will produce BIM models to support client’s internal processes of commercial and technical decision making and help with: BIM protocols; planning, programming & sequencing; cost and resources management; and admin resources. The firm also supports clients to facilitate their ideas and test their construction concepts. A construction programme can be shown progressing in a 3D environment, demonstrating the spatial consequences that will follow the construction process. There is probably no better way to ensure that a programme and the construction methods proposed are valid and that the construction sequence for a project is logical. Complexity of structures is no longer an issue when it comes to clash analysis, complex cut and fill and even ground 3d modelling. By assembling complex models where different trades clash, testing detailed solutions in visual space concepts will highlight potential problems. This is the point where all the effort in assembling 3D Models and BIM validate the approach. If properly utilised, these techniques will save clients’ money and lower the risk during project execution. From our state of the art offices in Sevenoaks, Kent, we have created an environment for our teams to nurture and flourish their creativity, providing the highest of quality for your company. Ultimately our clients’ high standards and criteria are implemented across all 3D and other content we create to ensure they receive an outcome which exactly meets their needs. Special Feature 1606RB04